Assembly of God Blogs Recent Posts


June Update

Wow! Exciting things are happening within the Assembly of God Blogs ministry!
We're up to 51 members, Praise the Lord. The site has had over 1,000 hits in it's first 11 weeks of existence. (And, it's just beginning!)

I want to make sure you know there is a new reader in the left side-bar area! This is awesome! It lists the Assembly of God blogs in order of most recent posting to least recent posting. It is so good, I have stopped using my personal RSS feeder, it is THAT GOOD!

New navigation buttons! They do a cool effect when you mouse over the button. Three new buttons have been added: New, A-Z, States. The new category will list the newest members of the Assembly of God Blogs. A-Z will list all the members in alphabetical order. States will list the bloggers by their state. These pages are in existence, but are not yet complete.

Be sure to come back often. Things are always updated around here: from new members joining to the newest postings from Assembly of God Blogs members. There is always something for you to check out that is new, and will bless you!

I encourage you to check out "Pastor's Blog", in the credentialed ministers genre. Pastor Andreason is the pastor at 1st A/G in Columbus, IN. His church has sustained substantial loss due to recent flooding. Prayers for Bro. Andreason and his church family would be appreciated.

Blessings! ~Sharon~ (Owner/Moderator/Creator of the Assembly of God Blogs Site and Assembly of God Blogs Ring)

COMING IN JULY... We will be starting the weekly B.O.W. Award. Come to the Assembly of God Blogs homepage to read about the weekly recipient!