Assembly of God Blogs Recent Posts


B.O.W. Award for the Week of 9/15 - 9/21

1. What is the title of your blog? Mentoring Pastor’s Wives and Women in Ministry

2. What is your blog’s address?

3. Tell us about yourself. I had the privilege of being raised in a Christian home (not a pastor’s home) and was in church whenever the doors were open. I accepted Jesus at the age of 5 and felt God “call” me into ministry as a teenager. I attended CBC and upon graduation married the love of my life. We have been in ministry for 25 years. I have been our music pastor and youth pastor in the churches we have pastured. It has been in my heart since I first entered ministry to have a place where the pastor’s wife and woman in ministry could receive support and encouragement. For so long we women have put a wall around us, I believe to protect us from hurt, but it has kept us from relationships with each other. I truly believe God desires us to open up to each other to receive strength from each other, and that is why I have developed “Mentoring Women in Ministry.” As women in ministry who have been in the trenches a while I believe we need to encourage and help develop the generations coming after us. We should not be “standoffish” but be a part of the lives of the younger generation. We are to leave a legacy that they desire to follow. They want to know our story…so let’s tell them.

4. What do you blog about the most? Mostly about what God is teaching me…whether it is on my spiritual journey, my journey as a mom, or my journey as a wife.

5. Do you have any other blogs that you write or co-write? I put some of the things I write about on my myspace.  The focus of both of these is to connect with other women in ministry and friends

6. When did you start blogging? A little over a year ago I guess.

7. What or who prompted you to start blogging? As I stated previously I believe we are to be a part of the lives of the younger generation…they are blogging, and are on myspace and facebook, and if we are going to connect we better get on board, or lose the opportunity to reach them.

8. How did you learn about Assembly of God Blogs? I did a search and ran across it.

9. What has blessed you the most about Assembly of God Blogs? There are so many you can forget your time reading them all, but I love reading what other people have to say. I truly enjoy all the various information that is out there. If we are smart we can glean from each other.

10. Is there anything that you would like to add? I think this AssemblyofGodblogs was an excellent idea…keep up the great work!

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Cheryl's blog was nominated by Erika at A Piece of Candied Ginger for Your Mind.  Erika wrote:

I want to nominate Cheryl Turnbull at Mentoring Women in Ministry. I have been reading her blog and it has blessed me so much. To be honest, looking at her picture and reading her short bio I felt like such a failure at first. Growing up in the A/G and knowing that God called me to ministry shaped a lot of my perceptions and mindsets. She looks like the perfect picture of what I wanted to shape myself into being when I was in bible college. The pretty pastor's wife with the great kids and serving the Lord and being able to whip out a scripture and a casserole in no time flat. Although my husband and I love the ministries we do and we minister on a daily basis, my life as a christian Donna Reed as I imagined it is not happening. I'm much too "gingery"! Cheryl's blog shows her heart and her life which reminds me to not waste my time with the superficial pressures how a woman in ministry is portrayed, but to go beyond that and keep my focus where it needs to truly be, God's heart for what He specifically made me responsible for.

Mentoring Pastor's Wives has blessed me because it is more than just a resource for ministry. This is a real woman minister sharing life with countless women all over the world. It's a vulnerable place to be, and Cheryl does it with such grace that it blesses my life. It is easy to look at a pastor's wife and think that she has it all together with every hair in place and her writings take us beyond that to the heart of God for this special place of ministry that He created for this time. Thank you, Cheryl, for sharing with us.
Thank you Erika for your awesome nomination!