To view this week's recepient, (featured on the home page), please click here.
To go directly to the questionnaire Click Here. Or you can scroll down to the bottom of the page.
WHAT is a B.O.W. Award? B.O.W. is an acronym for "Blog Of the Week". There are many great Assembly of God Bloggers out there, and they deserve some special recognition! The B.O.W. Award was created to do just that, giving some special recognition where recognition is due!
B.O.W. also represents the recipient's life, as they are showing through their blog that they bow down to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Jesus Christ).
WHO can receive the B.O.W. Award? Anyone who is a member of Assembly of God Blogs.
Not yet a member? Click a gold "Join" button in the sidebars, and you're on your way!
WHAT do I need to do? 1. Fill out the B.O.W. Award Questionnaire and 2. Email your completed Questionnaire to Assembly of God Blogs. 3. Give us permission to place your questionnaire on Assembly of God Blogs home page during the week you receive the award. 4. Agree to display the award banner (with link) in each post during the week of your recognition.
How will I know if I receive the B.O.W. Award? You will receive an email notification (to your questionnaire submission) on the Friday or Saturday prior to your featured week.
How are recipients selected? By nomination! Do you know of a great Assembly of God blog? NOMINATE them for the B.O.W. Award. (Please put BOW Nomination in subject line)
Nominations should include:
- The nominated blogs title and URL (address)
- Your blog title and URL -or- Your First Name, State, Email Address
- Why you are nominating them for this award.
You do not have to belong to the Assembly of God Blogs to nominate a blog for the award. However, the nominated blog must belong to Assembly of God Blogs.
How do I know if they are a part of Assembly of God Blogs? If they are listed on this site, in one of the genres (buttons under header) then they are eligible. Another way to know eligibility is if the blog displays this on their blog:
Power By Ringsurf
Questions, Comments, Ideas? Send us an email!
Assembly of God Blogs
B.O.W. Award Questionnaire
Please copy and paste the questionnaire into an email, complete, and return to Assembly of God Blogs. Thanks!
By submitting this questionnaire, I am agreeing to these four statements:
1. I am a member of Assembly of God Blogs, displaying the proper code on my blog
2. When I complete this form I will return it to Assembly of God Blogs when finished.
3. I will allow my questionnaire to be displayed on Assembly of God Blogs home page during
the week I receive the award.
4. I will display the award banner (with link) in each post during the week of my recognition.
1. What is the title of your blog?
2. What is your blog’s address?1. What is the title of your blog?
3. Tell us about yourself.
(Your first name, state, ‘job’, hobbies, accomplishments, etc in 1-2 paragraphs.)
4. What do you blog about the most?5. Do you have any other blogs that you write or co-write?
a. If so, what are the titles of those blogs?
b. What are the addresses of those blogs?
c. What is the focus of those blogs?
6. When did you start blogging?
7. What or who prompted you to start blogging?
8. How did you learn about Assembly of God Blogs?
a. If you learned about it through a blog or blogger, and remember the blog or blogger,
please list that blog’s title, and address.
9. What has blessed you the most about Assembly of God Blogs? 10. Is there anything that you would like to add?
11. Please nominate an Assembly of God Blog for the BOW Award. (Title and URL address) and briefly state why you believe they are deserving of this award.
Please attach a photo or give us permission to copy one from your blog.
Special Thank-You goes out to DaNella from Beyond Microbursts for creating the B.O.W. Award button! (The picture features her children.) Thanks DaNella for your outstanding work and contribution to this ministry!
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